
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

You know those days where you are SO excited to go somewhere and everything seems to move like molasses? Some how the slowest people on earth drive in front of you, every stop light turns red, and construction plagues your path? By the time you get to the destination you’re all sorts of frustrated…That is […]

Erin & Kyle’s Love Story – Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel

Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel Watkins Glen, NY Wedding Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photographer

Russell Jr. is a big ball of happiness! Talk about bringing sunshine into my life, he made me grin from ear to ear every time I took his picture. I can’t believe 6 months has flown by so fast and soon It’ll be time to take his year pictures…Press the pause button pleeeeeeaaaaasse!! Not fair […]

My Mini Model – Russell Jr.

Cortland, NY Baby Portrait Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

This weekend was a whirl wind of photo shoots! Grapes, rain, sunshine, and fantastic models everywhere! It finally felt like fall was coming in, though you couldn’t tell from the bright beautiful colors! Here are some of my favorites from the weekend to whet your whistle! XOXOXO, Mabyn Jenna & Jon’s Love Story Julia’s 1 […]

End of Summer Sneak Peeks

Hector, NY Wedding Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

I love meeting the Santiago family every time we do a session. We have a great time catching up and they’re all great models…but I have to say that I’m biased towards Gia. Big blue eyes, a gorgeous smile, and cute chunky legs! She’s such a little beauty and I could take pictures of her all […]

My Mini Model -Gia

Green Lakes State Park Fayetteville, NY Baby Portrait Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

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