Welcome back! This is part 2 of the Shroyer saga! I just love talking about this family! They’re so wonderful!
This post is dedicated to Ami Shroyer and her beautiful spirit, talent, and heart!
The main reason I was in NC back in November was to take pictures of Ami for her new CD. We had so much fun going to consignment stores in search of outfits, looking for peace signs everywhere, getting fake eyelashes put on, and bashing around Winston Salem looking FABULOUS! I really feel like our friendship went up a level that week. I got to know Ami like I’d never known her before, it was beautiful!
She’s so in love with Jesus. When you listen to her music you can’t help but love Him more too! When you sit and talk with Ami you see how big her heart is and how much she adores doing Gods work. Her family reflects the same. They’re a family for God that I hope to have myself one day.
Ami’s album is called 40,000 Reasons. It’s a beautiful collection of old and new songs that encompass her life and encourage others to draw closer to their Savior. Visit her website and buy the CD! You wont be disappointed! Every time I listen I’m compelled to spend even more time with my Jesus. It prompts reflection, stillness, and joy!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Mabyn – your pictures are so wonderful!! You made my job as the designer on this CD project SO easy because of your wonderful photography! I hope you love the CD design as much as I love your photos! 🙂 Thanks!!! these shots of Ami !!! They shine her inner woman and radiate pure beauty !!! God bless you as you continue in this gift !!! Don’t you just love the different texture’s, depth’s of color and perspective that the Father allows our eyes to see?!!! Thank you for this page !!!
Oh so Ami, beautiful, thank you for posting the pics, she is all that!