Are you sick of posts with ME in them yet? I know I am! Don’t worry, this is the last one for awhile! 😉
Yesterday, I went to the park with the Shroyer family. Ami and I were sitting on a park bench, watching the kids run, jump, and slide on a local playground. Ami and I chat about everything, and somehow we got onto the topic of weight. Her husband Mike, has recently lost a lot of weight and she started showing me pictures of where he was a year ago. I then realized that I hadn’t taken stock of my own journey this past year.
Ever since last spring (2012), I’ve been on this journey. Not just a journey of weight loss, but a journey of over all health. Mind, body, and soul. I’ve shared bits and pieces about how I came to move to NC, why I started Simply Beautiful Couture, but it wasn’t until I FELT beautiful myself that it all really clicked in my brain.
You see, I, like most women that I know, have had severe self esteem issues. I’ve NEVER viewed myself as beautiful. My friends have told me till they were blue in the face that I am, but the most I would give them is a smirk and a small “thank you.” Only to turn around and roll my eyes and think “Really? Have you seen ME? Cuz, I have and it’s not what I would deem beautiful!” I had resigned myself that I was “plain” at most and I could get away with being cute and quirky.
I can’t say that I was at an all time  low or had a specific event happen (other than going up another pant size) that motivated me to start this journey. I think I was just sick of talking about doing something and never putting my money where my mouth was. Ever since I started my own business, I have considered myself a “doer” not a “sit on the sidelines and watcher.” So as we “doers” do, I did something about it. What I didn’t realize was from that point I started a chain reaction in my life that would turn into BEAUTIFUL all over the place!
Since getting my bum in gear, I have realized that there is a whole side to me that had never been awakened. I’m not just an artsy girl, but I’m strong, athletic, and able to achieve any goal I set my mind to no matter the speed bumps. When I realized these things in myself I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I no longer saw a Plain Jane with a quirky personality. I saw a strong beautiful woman who is able to do things she never thought she could.
Now I am not at my goal yet. Life happens and I got side tracked, but again, I wont let the speed bumps stop me from continuing this journey. I also want to add that I don’t look myself in the mirror every day and say “DANG! You look GOOOOOOOD!” I don’t think it’s possible for any woman to honestly do that.
Today was actually an ugly day. I didn’t want to write this blog, I thought it would come across as false. But being able to take a step away from myself, look at the obvious difference a year has made in my life, and write it all out has been healthy. This is ME and I love ME. Even a year ago ME, and I will tell myself that daily. I will remind myself that I was created to be beautiful just like Every. Single. Women. I. Know.
I will live a beautiful life and love beautiful people, because we ALL are beautiful.
Thank you to my dear friend Donna Cuoco for taking these pictures, both past and present. She is one of those friends who has always seen the beauty in me! Check out her Facebook Fanpage HERE.
Well, there you have it. Now you know my story. I would love to hear yours! Leave a comment below! <3
P.S. I have not written this as a means of getting compliments. As I do appreciate them (love to you all) this is more to encourage others to see the beauty in themselves and share their struggles and victories. Thanks! XOXOXO!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Dear Mabyn –
Thank you so much for sharing your struggles about your esteem, and the strides you have made to overcome those feelings. It is sooooo true that many women have esteem issues, flowing from a negative view of their physical beauty. Hopefully, others can profit from your experience, your journey.
Your beauty is very real, Mabyn, and shines from the inside out. It is so natural (and supernatural too!) that your inner goodness radiates forth in a joyous smile, a love for others, and for yourself. I love how you see the beauty in EVERY SINGLE WOMAN, even those who cannot see it in themselves.
And I love that you can see your beauty more than you could a year ago. I am sure that the Creator of your beauty, the Divine Artist, must be smiling on you, his beloved daughter and his handiwork… I rejoice that you are healthier than you were last year. But mostly I rejoice that you seem to love yourself more than a year ago. How beautiful is that?!!!
Thank you for that lovely message Jim! 🙂
You look amazing and I’m glad you feel amazing, too! I’ve been in that in that position and know what it’s like to feel bad, but then be proud of yourself for actually doing something about it =) Good work! -s