1. Eva Williams says:

    Maybn’s work is gorgeous and she has the spirit to match!

  2. Karen Parfitt says:

    I would like to vote for Nadia and Mike but it’s not clear how to do so. Hints?

  3. Lindsay says:

    I’m trying to vote for Jen and Dan but it just keeps saying processing:( I would have had 20 votes in already:) haha

  4. mabyn says:

    I’m not sure about the processing problem. That may be your internet connection.
    As for how to vote, after all of the pictures there is a poll with each couples name. Check the circle next to Nadia and Mike and then hit vote. That simple!

  5. Dan says:

    Same thing – just keeps processing. I’ll try the laptop :). Looking great Mabes!

  6. ilce says:

    Love Arel and yolandas background.

  7. Patricia Bowden says:

    I loved them all but this was the best.

  8. Christine Peters says:

    Well Arel and Yolanda you are both beautiful with a beautiful life ahead of you!

  9. Aida Valdez Salvador says:

    Well Arel and Yolanda ! The best couple !!! Love you guys *_*

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