It’s not very often that I get this request: “Mabyn, I want you to be a BRIDESMAID in my wedding!” Wait…what? Me? Really?! Okay!
Missy and I have been friends since college. We’ve seen each other through a lot of tough circumstances and shared in some incredible moments. We even have a silly hug we do when we see each other! She is one of those friends that will never stop being in my life. It doesn’t matter how much time goes by in between visits, when we see each other we instantly fall right back into pace as if no time has gone by at all!
So, when Missy met the man of her dreams and fell in love I was so thrilled and then again when she asked me to partake in the day by standing with her. How could I say no?!
Her day was simple, elegant, and full of a beautiful peace! You’ll notice that some important parts of the wedding day are missing in my documentation…and now you know why. It’s hard to document the ceremony when you’re standing up front! I think I may have been a bit of a distraction if I pulled a camera out of my bouquet and started snapping shots! 😉
So I filled in where I could. I was glad to get as much as I did! We had so much fun that day, reminiscing, laughing, and dancing until our feet hurt! Missy & Sasho’s wedding was definitely a celebration!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008