
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

Goal Planning for Creatives There are some people who live for goal setting & then proceeding to kill it until those goals are reached. They eat actionable steps for breakfast and live by the word of their planners. I am NOT that person. I’m that girl who eats daydreams and kitty cats…Well I don’t REALLY […]

Goal Planning for Creatives

Mabyn laughing in a field

The DIY Guide to Taking Christmas Family Photos I’m a really terrible Christmas card photo planner. Every year I intend to have one of my amazing photographer friends capture a few shots of Daniel and I, but life always gets in the way. 2 weeks before Christmas I scramble to take a few shots myself […]

The DIY Guide to Taking Christmas Family Photos

Before learning about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, lenses, and flash there is one element of photography that is intrinsically more important than any other. That is of course light! At the most basic of levels, photography is all about light, how we see it, how we manipulate it, how we utilize it to tell our […]

Photography Basics – Light

the sunlight kisses this engaged couple during their photography session in the mountains of North Carolina. Photography by Mabyn Ludke.

When I first started shooting, It felt like I was always inspired. Every time I picked up my camera a light bulb with go off above my head and I would get SO excited. As the years went on that “excitement” became less and less and for creatives that can be a death sentence. I […]

How to Get Out of a Rut and Stay Inspired with Photography

A beautiful woman watches the sunset over the appalachain mountains at Doughton Park North Carolina. Photo by Mabyn Ludke.

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