1. Laura de Otalvaro says:

    Okay I want to see the jumping photos! My quads hurt for 3 days after that — there had to be a product!

    Honestly, I had to vote for my own kid, but if I had to vote for another photo it would be Sarah’s portrait, #7. That’s just AWESOME.

  2. Lydia Kirkpatrick says:

    my second vote would be 16! we girls sure can work it!

  3. David Kirkpatrick says:

    Mabyn, your work is AWESOME!!!! Julian stole the show, but #28 of Rev. Ruth’s girls in B/W is wonderful, too. And Sarah is simply gorgeous!! Pride of fatherhood, I guess.

  4. Josie Dewey says:

    It was a womderful, wonderful day and all of these incredible photos support that!

  5. Mary Kirkpatrick says:

    My second vote would be #11…

  6. Sharon Schlosser says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, also #13 at the altar, brought back memories of 44 years ago when Larry & I were married at Christ Church! #31 is a favoriate, Dad, David dancing with his precious daughter. And of course,#19 Julian and ‘the gang’! Just too many, loved them all. Happy Life Ahead! Love Sharon & Larry

  7. Trina Mercado says:

    Okay–these are all fantastic shots, but I have to go with #18. I simply dare anyone to gaze upon that photo without cracking a smile, much less breaking out in total laughter. GREAT DAY, and we loved being there!

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